Friday, 14 September 2012

Bearpit Karaoke

Welcome to the Bearpit
Address: Erfahrungsbe-Richtestraße 25, 10347, Prenzlauer Berg
U-Bahn: Bernauer Straße
Opening times: Sun 3pm-6pm
Admission: Free of Charge

There are two reasons why on every Sunday thousands of locals and tourists flock to Mauerpark. One is the sprawling flea market, where you can pick up anything from retro football kits to antique teapots, and the other reason is to witness, and maybe even participate, in the singing spectacle that is the Bearpit Karaoke. 
This world famous event, run by 38-year-old Dubliner Joe Hatchiban, came into life rather spontaneously four years ago. Joe and his friends, armed with just a laptop and microphone, decided one day to cycle around Berlin and attempt to get people to sing. Eventually they turned up at the stone amphitheatre set on the grassy bank at Mauerpark and Bearpit Karaoke was born. Weather permitting the show begins around 3pm, once Joe has set up his customised bicycle and laptop beneath two bright umbrellas. Arrive early to save a seat on the stone steps, sit back in the sunshine and buy a beer from one of the vendors.  For the next three hours you will see brave performers from all over the globe step up onto the makeshift cobblestone stage and sing their hearts out to thousands of eager spectators. From the brilliantly talented to, even better, the hopelessly disillusioned. Expect anything from performers in fancy dress and epic sing-a-longs to romantic, and often hilariously cringe worthy, love ballads. If you think you have what it takes and want to step into the Bearpit then all you have to do is put your name down on the waiting list at the start. You should make sure you do this early as for some reason there are always loads of enthusiastic participants waiting to grab their time in the spotlight. The huge crowds are always very supportive and a roar of applause is almost guaranteed whatever the quality of the act. 
Unfortunately the council is making life difficult for the weekly sing-fest to carry on; bringing in higher licensing fees and fixed dates which means that the event can’t take place every Sunday. It is free to watch however Joe will occasionally jump into the audience with a collection tin so you can give a donation and lend your support. Also it is important to take any rubbish away with you so that the council is not given any more fuel and this truly unique event can continue.

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